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Team Building and Customer Engagement Events

Connect. Engage. Relax.

Learn more about how TeamTimeEvents can help your business succeed 

Our Background

TeamTimeEvents is a company dedicated to delivering solutions that promote customer engagement and internal team building. 

Our products and services were designed to meet the needs of remote workforce and virtual marketing.   Remote is here to stay and we provide ways to keep your teams and customers engaged.  

Think of TeamTimeEvents as filling the gaps of face to face meetings with your clients or your own department water cooler interactions.  

Services at TeamTimeEvents

Here For You

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Live Hosted Trivia for your Team! 

Missing Watercooler Time?

With more people working remotely, bonding over watercooler talk is happening less and less. Happy hours and other types of freestyle remote get togethers can be tedious and are difficult to manage.  Our live hosted trivia events will promote the interaction and team building that is an integral part of the work experience, in a fun and engaging setting.


Important Training Materials?

Are you finding that remote training is coming up short and that your organization is burnt out with on-line training?  TeamTimeEvents's unique Trivaining approach combines live hosted trivia with questions interspersed with your required training material.  It is a great way to improve company morale and ensure that important material is resonating.

Customer and Partner Events

Trying to Break Through the Noise?

Too many remote customer and prospect events focus on one person talking and everyone else listening.  That is not engaging. The challenge is that opening up the floor for everyone to speak is impossible during remote video sessions.  An event with a professional host will promote interactions with your customers and give them a unique experience they'll remember.


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